And it's not just packaging companies themselves, but the food industry itself is make changes from within. North American
berry producers recently committed to having 100% recyclable packaging by 2025.
Trader Joe's announced a little over a year ago that they were taking steps to reduce plastic in food packaging. Tesco has a full
plastic plan to reuse, retrieve, recycle, and replace plastic containers with more sustainable options. They began a
plastic-free trial last spring. One Thai supermarket made the news by using
banana leaves instead of plastic to wrap foods.
Other companies are pressuring consumers to be part of the solution. Earlier this year, Blue Bottle Coffee started to
pilot a project to eliminate single-use items in their cafes like disposable coffee cups, grab-and-go packaging, and bags for coffee beans. Instead, they are asking customers to bring their own mug or bag to take home the beans. Alternatively, customers can pay a deposit for a Blue Bottle-provided cup and then bring it back to the store to be cleaned before it's next use.